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neat blue dog
JoinedPosts by neat blue dog
Gift giving
by ab.ortega inwhenever we had the c/o visit or a special speaker at an assembly, etc.
i used to give the "brother" or couple a thank you note with some cash.
also did it with our tour guides at bethel branches.
Besides Beards . . .
by neat blue dog inbeards have been talked about a lot, especially with the recent wt article, but what about other types of non-mustache facial hair, like goatees chinbeards and soul patches?.
in my own experience i've seen a white young man with big handlebars and a soul patch run mikes, do literature and give talks not too long ago.
i saw a black older man with a sizeable soul patch as the focus of one shot in a video about an annual meeting a few years ago.
neat blue dog
Well in response to an inquiry, (its posted on jwfacts I believe), they specifically said that having a beard will not prevent someone from going in the ministry or even giving a talk on the school. It only affects additional 'privileges' based on the local elders opinions. If any elder says you can't go out in service or give a part on the school, they're making their own rules.
Besides Beards . . .
by neat blue dog inbeards have been talked about a lot, especially with the recent wt article, but what about other types of non-mustache facial hair, like goatees chinbeards and soul patches?.
in my own experience i've seen a white young man with big handlebars and a soul patch run mikes, do literature and give talks not too long ago.
i saw a black older man with a sizeable soul patch as the focus of one shot in a video about an annual meeting a few years ago.
neat blue dog
Yes, I've seen a number of black jws with a soul patch, (really not a patch, but more of a thin line), under the lip. Ironically like I said the only actually puffy soul patch I've seen on a jw was coupled with handlebars on a white dude . . . and he was allowed privileges. I was quite surprised to see goatees (chin beards) on a few brothers with privileges, because they seem to be outlawed almost everywhere the beard is.
Besides Beards . . .
by neat blue dog inbeards have been talked about a lot, especially with the recent wt article, but what about other types of non-mustache facial hair, like goatees chinbeards and soul patches?.
in my own experience i've seen a white young man with big handlebars and a soul patch run mikes, do literature and give talks not too long ago.
i saw a black older man with a sizeable soul patch as the focus of one shot in a video about an annual meeting a few years ago.
neat blue dog
Beards have been talked about a lot, especially with the recent wt article, but what about other types of non-mustache facial hair, like goatees chinbeards and soul patches?
In my own experience I've seen a white young man with big handlebars and a soul patch run mikes, do literature and give talks not too long ago. I saw a black older man with a sizeable soul patch as the focus of one shot in a video about an annual meeting a few years ago. I saw a goateed man from the RBC in a slideshow shown at a assembly hall dedication about five years ago, and another goateed man was an attendant at a District Convention about ten years ago. Tonight I also found this dating profile of a goateed man who claims to be a ministerial servant.
Has anybody here seen or tried anything other than a full beard or mustache and got away with it, or seen it happen?
August 2016 CLAM Videos
by wifibandit in
neat blue dog
It's not even July yet, I had no idea they came out that soon . . .
New to JWD, Hello!
by jwundubbed inmy story in a nutshell... .
scientist for a father; extremely mentally ill, 'annointed' mother.
was privy to and also suffered a lot of abuse.
neat blue dog
That song is a guilty pleasure of mine. I already heard it months ago, but I just had to press play again. It just burrows itself into your head for better or worse. 😵
Back on topic, I prefer to call you undub, it's just clever and unique.
Simon: What happens when you can no longer support this site?
by StephaneLaliberte inhey simon, .
the recent closure of jwr made me realize that this site may not be eternal as well.
a great deal of people attach a lot of importance to xjw communities and yours is the best.
neat blue dog
JWN users don't like mods and rules. Reminds them of elders, too close to home 😉
Simon: What happens when you can no longer support this site?
by StephaneLaliberte inhey simon, .
the recent closure of jwr made me realize that this site may not be eternal as well.
a great deal of people attach a lot of importance to xjw communities and yours is the best.
neat blue dog
Not sure if this was mentioned already, but every page should be backed up on wayback machine already anyway. Heck, you can even go see old pages from and the sites that preceded it, and
New songs unexpectedly released . . .
by neat blue dog inearlier this year it was announced to all congregations that the new silver songbook would ultimately be made of 150 songs, (matching the number of psalms in the bible).
however, they've apparently changed there minds in the last few months, because songs 152-154 were just posted to both jw-org and jw broadcasting..
neat blue dog
R.E.M. - Stand??
To me its more like Weird Al's Spam.
New songs unexpectedly released . . .
by neat blue dog inearlier this year it was announced to all congregations that the new silver songbook would ultimately be made of 150 songs, (matching the number of psalms in the bible).
however, they've apparently changed there minds in the last few months, because songs 152-154 were just posted to both jw-org and jw broadcasting..
neat blue dog
Earlier this year it was announced to all congregations that the new silver songbook would ultimately be made of 150 songs, (matching the number of Psalms in the Bible). However, they've apparently changed there minds in the last few months, because songs 152-154 were just posted to both jw-org and jw broadcasting.
Did you notice that there is no song 151 to be seen? It jumps from 150 to 152. I wonder if they're going to backpeddle now on releasing that deluxe silver softcover prototype they showed at the annual meeting, or if they'll even limit the number of songs in the revised songbook now . . .